So after realising that it wasn't going to cost me the earth or that I hadn't lost all my photos etc..I was able to calm down. Until the part gets here, I don't have my desktop...I still have access to a lap top so I wasn't completely in withdrawel..but it just wasn't the same as sitting on my desktop. I stopped thinking about the work I have to will have to wait. Then I thought about this blog, and how I wanted to reconncet with my kids..and what better way then stopping what was keeping me apart from them.
In the past week or two my house is cleaner and more organised. Anybody could drop by at anytime of the day and I'd feel proud to have visitors. I have a new system for my laundry. Which is working. My kids have been eating fantastic meals..breakfast lunch and dinner. I've read about 3 books, I have read to my kids. I've laid down and watched my boys play x box...and I guess I've just enjoyed being a stay at home Mum. I've always taken it for granted....and abused the privledge. It's only been the past few months, as my children grow older and more independant (can u hear I have a teenager??) that I've noticed things. I don't want to live with regrets...and spending time on the computer while my kids grow up...will be a regret. Balance is what I needed.
The family have noticed the differance...and they like it.
I can't put in my little signature at the moment, because it's on my other computer.
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